Welcome to Year 5
5E - Gnomes
Mrs Ellis
5P - Krakens
Mr Pichowski
In Year 5 this term, we have many interesting units of work planned. We are studying Mountains as our geography topic. We will be using the atlases in a variety of different ways.
In science, we will be finishing the Earth and Space unit then moving on to Forces.
In maths, we are looking at multiplication and division followed by fractions, decimals and percentages.
We are designing and making stuffed toys in DT and learning about search engines in ICT.
PE involves dance this term.
English and guided reading will be based around the book: Jane, the Fox and Me. This is a graphic novel, highlighting a different style of book. We would like to remind the children to read as often as possible at home as the new Accelerated Reading programme is fully operational and reading progress is being closely monitored.
Please click here to view the Year 5 PSHE presentation on body changes.