Cheriton Primary School


Welcome to Year 2

2O - Hipogriffs

Mr Oliver

2L - Yeti

Mrs Limbu


We have had a busy term so far. Our topic in Year 2 is ‘Wonder Women’ where we have been learning about influential and important women throughout history. The children have learnt about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Queen Elizabeth I so far. We have had a KIC theatre workshop to enrich what we have been learning. The children got to become Queen Elizabeth for the morning and explored all of the marvellous treasures her subjects brought her from around the world. They also thought about the conditions soldiers faced during the Crimean war and how Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole worked tirelessly to improve the conditions of the hospitals in Skutari.

We have also had our Forest School session where the children learnt how to make charcoal pencils and then used them to sketch the wildlife that they could find. They painted bread using coloured milk, which we then toasted on the open fire- yum!

The children have been learning the ‘Spring Chicken’ song and the British Sign Language (BSL) actions that go with it. They have done an amazing job. Please do ask your children to give you a rendition at home- it’s fab!