Cheriton Primary School

Sources of Support for Cheriton Families

At Cheriton we have links with a number of organisations in the local area. Those listed below we know families have found useful in our locality. However, please do contact the Family Liaison Officer ( for up to date information.

  • Homestart Shepway Support, advice and friendship for families via The Caterpillars Children's Centre.
  • Army Welfare ServiceCommunity Development workers organise and run activities for service families via The Community Centre, Mackenzie Drive.
  • Folkestone and Hythe Children's CentresOpportunities for children, young people and families in the local area.
  • Citizens Advice Bureau - Will provide advice on a range of issues including finance, housing, employment rights and benefits.
  • MENCAP - Group support for parents and carers of children with disabilities.
  • School Health - Offer expert advice, support and help on issues  including, daytime and night time wetting and soiling, sleep, behaviour management, healthy eating and lifestyle, emotional health and wellbeing.
  • Cerebral Palsy Guide - is a national support organisation dedicated to educating individuals and families about cerebral palsy. We strive to provide answers and guidance to ensure that families receive the assistance that they need to help improve their overall quality of life.