Cheriton Primary School


Our school is committed to working in close partnership with parents and carers to ensure each child reaches their potential. If you have concerns or worries about any aspect of your child's education, do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher, the Family Liaison Officer or Headteacher.

Liaising with Parents

Teachers are normally available immediately before and after school, but we would advise you to telephone the school office beforehand to ensure that the teacher has no previous commitment. You can also contact the Family Liaison Officer and Children's Liaison Officer by telephone or speak to them on the gate at the start of the day.

Parent consultation evenings are held twice per year but additional meetings can be held, should you wish to discuss your child’s progress further.

Parent Helpers

We are often looking for parent helpers. If you have any spare time and are available to come into school and help, please contact Mrs King, (Family Liaison Officer), either on the gate in the mornings or by telephone 01303 276119.

Leading Parent Partnership Award

In the Autumn of 2022 the school was successful in being re-awarded the LPPA award. The assessor made a number of positive comments about the work the school implements with parents including :

"Cheriton Primary School has a strategic approach to involving parents in their child’s learning, development and well-being ... the school has ensured that parental involvement continues to be sustainable and forward thinking through investing in staff through pastoral support and teaching staff."  

"The involvement of parents is embedded in life at Cheriton"

"The school is very welcoming. The foyer has been thoughtfully planned to provide a warm welcome and staff greet families every day in person".


Listed below are some free online courses for parents.