Cheriton Primary School

World Mental Health Day

On Thursday 10th October, we celebrated World Mental Health Day in school. The children all arrived in school wearing bright colours and took part in a range of activities learning about what mental health is, how to look after our own mental health and how to support others in their mental health. 

Donations go directly to the Young Minds Trust charity and you can still donate through our Just Giving page. Thank you for all of the donations, which will go to a very worthwhile cause.

Year 6 created some 'affirmation cards', which they delivered to people inside and outside of school. Lots decided to deliver them as 'ninja kindness' (in secret), adding an extra bit of fun! They also made their 'positivity pants' and they spent time writing positive attributes on each other's pants to boost confidence and tell each other how much they are worth. Everyone needs a pair of positivity pants- have you got yours?

Our positivity pants made everyone smile!

Everyone had so many things to say about each other!

What positive words do you say over yourself? 

Words of affirmation are so important to our mental health.

Why not make some of your own to send to a loved one?

The rest of school had great fun creating badges, doodling, making posters, spending time relaxing and discussing great ways to improve our mental health. This was a highly valuable day, but we continue to work hard on boosting our self esteem and mental health across the whole year, not just World Mental Health Day!