Cheriton Primary School

Year 4 Maths

It is our aim that all children in Year 4 meet the following expectations:


  • Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9 and 1,000.
  • Find 1,000 more or less of a given number.
  • Count backwards through 0 to include negative numbers.
  • Know the value of each digit in a four digit number (thousand, hundreds, tens and ones).
  • Order and compare numbers beyond 1,000.
  • Round numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or. 1,000.
  • Solve problems involving the above using increasingly larger numbers.
  • Know the Roman numerals from 1 - 100 (1 - C).


  • Add and subtract using a formal column method for addition and subtraction for four digit numbers and then checking answers using the inverse operation.
  • Solving two step problems involving addition and subtraction.
  • Multiply two and three digit numbers by a single digit using a shirt multiplication formal written method.
  • Use a shirt division formal written method with exact answers.
  • Solve problems deciding which operation to use.
  • Be able to write statements such as 39 x 7  =  (30 x 7) + (9 x 7)

Times tables

By the end of Year 4 children should be able to recall all times table facts to 12 x 12 and use the associated division fact.


  • Recognise and show common equivalent fractions.
  • Count up and down in hundredths.
  • Know that hundredths derive from dividing 1 by 100 and tenths by 10.
  • Calculate fractions of a quantity - knowing that I divide my whole by the denominator and multiply that by the numerator.
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator.
  • Recognise and write decimal equivalents for tenths and hundredths also 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4.
  • Know the effect of dividing one and two digit numbers by 10 and 100 and know the value of the digits.
  • Round decimal numbers to the nearest whole number.
  • Order decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places.
  • Solve problems involving measure and money up to two decimal places.
  • Children use factors and multiples to find equivalent fractions.


  • Children can convert time from 12 to 24 hour clock.
  • Solve time problems converting from hours to minutes, minutes to seconds, years to months, months to days etc.
  • Find the area of a shape counting the squares.
  • Find the perimeter of a shape and start to give algebraic formulas e.g. to find the area of a rectangle 2a + 2b
  • Convert between different units of measure e.g. Km to m, hours to seconds etc.
  • Estimate, compare and calculate different units of measure including £ and p.


  • Classify and name different quadrilaterals by their properties - square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezium, kite, rhombus.
  • Classify and name different triangles by their properties- isosceles, equilateral, right angled and scalene.
  • Identify and recognise acute and obtuse angles and order angles.
  • Recognise lines of symmetry in 2D shapes and complete symmetric shapes in different orientations.
  • Draw and position 2D shapes using coordinates in the first quadrant.
  • Complete polygons in the first quadrant finding missing coordinates.
  • Translate shapes around the first quadrant - up, down left and right.
  • Draw a pair of axis with equal scales.


  • Interpret and represent continuous and discrete data using a range of different graphs including time and bar.
  • Use increasingly more complex scales to read data accurately.
  • Be able to tell a story from a graph.

Vocabulary / language.

Measure, compare, add, subtract, morning, afternoon, more, less, digits, tens, ones, compare, order, recognise, find, write, share, 2D shapes, add, total, make, plus, more, altogether, subtract, less, take away, minus, estimate, mentally, difference between, difference, leave, sum, number bonds, length, volume, clock, noon, midnight, minutes, hours, o’clock, place value, hundred, number problem, half, quarter, whole, greater than, less than, orally, estimate, column method, inverse operation, solve problem, number facts, perimeter, metres, centimetres, millimetres, mass, kilograms, grams, volume, litres, millilitres, analogue, seconds, am, pm, Roman numerals. Interpret, data, present data, read data, bar charts, pictograms, tables, one step problems, multiples, thousands, numerals, equivalent, numerator, denominator, count up, count down, three quarters, tenths, groups of, multiply, times, multiple, multiplies by, lots of, repeated addition, divided by, divide, equal groups, approximate, statements, times table, orientations, describe, right angles, angles, acute, obtuse, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel.1/2 turn, ¼ turn, ¾ turn, degrees, positive integer, fifths, hundred thousands, ten thousands, am, pm, complex.

Parents Guide

Small Steps