Cheriton Primary School

Year 3 Maths

It is our aim that all children in Year 3 meet the following expectations:


  • Read and write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words.
  • Know the value of each digit to 1000 e.g. 874 is the same as 800 +70+4. (874 =800+70+4)
  • Count in intervals of 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 50and 100.
  • Find 10 and 100 more and less than any given number to 1000.
  • Order Numbers to 1000.
  • Add and subtract numbers up to three digits using a formal column method - see calculations policy for more information.
  • Use inverse operation to check their answer.
  • Use times table knowledge to support multiplication and division problems.
  • Know and recognise what the symbols +,-,x and ÷ mean.
  • Know when to use which of the four operations to solve problems. 

Times tables

By the end of year 3 it is expected that children know the following times tables:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10. They can recall facts to 12 x in each table and use these facts to find division equivalents.


  • Count up and down in tenths.
  • Children connect tenths to place value and division of 10.
  • Recognise that tenths are found by dividing a number/ quantity or object into 10.
  • Recognise, find and write fractions of a quantity (using objects).
  • Recognise and show equivalent fractions of a quantity - using objects e.g. 1/2 is the same at 2/4 half of eight apples is four and two quarters of eight apples is four.
  • Add and subtract fractions within one whole with the same denominator.
  • Compare and order fractions with the same denominator - children can place fractions on a number line recognising the value of each fraction within 1.
  • Solve problems involving all of the above.


  • Children measure, add and subtract accurately using appropriate units - length m,cm and mm; mass kg and g and volume / capacity l and ml. They can compare units e.g. 5m = 500cm and record using mixed units 1kg and 200g.
  • Find the perimeter of a 2D shape.
  • Add and subtract money using £ and p. Giving answers as £ and p separately.
  • Tell the time with increasing accuracy to minutes using, 12 hour, analogue including Roman numerals 1 to X11. Use and read a digital clock to 24 hours
  • Know how many seconds in a minute, minutes in an hour, days in each month and year including leap years.
  • Find lapsed time between events.


  • Draw 2D shapes and make 3D shapes using modelling equipment and recognise shapes in different orientations.
  • Recognise horizontal and vertical lines. Recognise pairs of perpendicular and parallel lines.
  • Recognise right angles and understand that 2 right angles equal half a turn 3 equal three quarters if a turn a 4 a whole turn.
  • Recognise angles greater and smaller than a right angle and know them as acute and obtuse.
  • Recognise symmetrical and none symmetrical shapes.
  • Describe shapes using the above language.


  • Interpret and present data in bar charts, pictograms and tables.
  • Use scales in steps of 2, 5 and 10.
  • Solve one and two step problems presented in bar charts, pictograms and tables

Vocabulary / language

Measure, compare, add, subtract, morning, afternoon, more, less, digits, tens, ones, compare, order, recognise, find, write, share, 2D shapes, add, total, make, plus, more, altogether, subtract, less, take away, minus, estimate, mentally, difference between, difference, leave, sum, number bonds, length, volume, clock, noon, midnight, minutes, hours, o’clock, place value, hundred, number problem, half, quarter, whole, greater than, less than, orally, estimate, column method, inverse operation, solve problem, number facts, perimeter, metres, centimetres, millimetres, mass, kilograms, grams, volume, litres, millilitres, analogue, seconds, am, pm, Roman numerals. Interpret, data, present data, read data, bar charts, pictograms, tables, one step problems, multiples, thousands, numerals, equivalent, numerator, denominator, count up, count down, three quarters, tenths, groups of, multiply, times, multiple, multiplies by, lots of, repeated addition, divided by, divide, equal groups, approximate, statements, times table, orientations, describe, right angles, angles, acute, obtuse, horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, parallel.


Parents Guide

Small Steps