Cheriton Primary School

Physical Education


“All children at Cheriton Primary School will experience high quality physical education, school sport and physical activity which will lead to life-long participation and a healthier, fuller life.”

Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad and balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed. Our PE curriculum will be inclusive and ensure that pupils of all abilities access a range of activities and that they are physically active for sustained periods of time in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives.

Throughout their time at Cheriton, pupils will develop physical literacy and learn about themselves along with the importance of a healthy lifestyle and self-expression. The Key Stage One curriculum develops a range of fundamental skills including balancing, throwing and catching – key skills for future physical activity. In Key Stage 2 these skills are developed further through a range of activities including, but not limited to, invasion games, gymnastics, dance and athletics.

Competition is important and allows the understanding of the importance of and the development of sporting values such fair play and respect. It also contributes to the development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision making and analysis alongside social skills such as teamwork and communication. These are supported within lessons whilst additional opportunities are provided for these to be applied through active lunchtime activities, inter-house competitions and extra-curricular opportunities. It is our vision that every child has the opportunity to represent the school and that every child has the right to attend extra-curricular clubs.

Our mission is to improve and increase the quality and quantity of high quality PE for pupils, to show how PE can enhance pupils’ attainment and achievement and to create pathways for them to continue to be active after leaving Cheriton. We foster links with outside agencies and clubs, which help to provide pathways towards future participation. Links exist with district and county clubs and sides, allowing opportunities for our most able.

It is our vision that our curriculum inspires and supports our children’s physical and emotional health and development into adulthood, increasing their chances of living a healthy life.

Please use the links below to explore our PE curriculum:

PE Curriculum Overview





OAA and Leadership

PE Lead: Mr Moore