Cheriton Primary School


Rationale for English:

At Cheriton Primary School, we believe that English is fundamental to the overall development of all our children and enables their access to every aspect of the curriculum. Since English is integral to the learning process it follows that whenever anything is being taught or learned there is potential for developing a child’s language.

Reading is at the heart of the curriculum and children make rapid progress. It is our aim that all children will develop a love of books and nurture a passion for reading that will enable them to become successful, life-long learners.

Phonics skills are taught in a systematic way, from Foundation Stage, through to Year One and into Year Two and KS2 if appropriate. We follow a scheme called Fischer Family Trust ‘Success for All’, which has been validated by the Department of Education. This focuses on securing phonic knowledge essential for children to decode (read) and encode (spell) words accurately. The scheme incorporates group reading sessions where children practise reading skills; decoding using phonics and learning to read with fluency. Many of these books are from the Success for All scheme and support the daily phonics teaching in class.

Across the school we have a wide variety of books and texts for children to enjoy. These are organised to support children in choosing their own reading book at the correct level to provide both challenge and enjoyment. Some children in year two may still access phonics books. Once children are confidently, they will move onto Accelerated Reader. 

Across Key Stage Two, most children use Accelerated Reader which organises texts into book levels known as ‘ZPD levels’. 

Pupils develop reading skills most effectively when they read appropriately challenging books – difficult enough to keep them engaged but not so difficult that they become frustrated. This is their ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD). We also have a range of non-fiction and poetry books, and we regularly refresh our fiction titles. These may not be in the Accelerated Reader scheme, but will encourage and support our children to read for pleasure - which is vital to develop lifelong readers. 

We aim for our children to become enthusiastic readers by supporting them in their choice of reading material and ensuring it is appropriately matched to their level of development.  We want our children to see reading as a joyful experience. 

We recognise that the quality and variety of language that pupils hear and speak are important components in developing vocabulary and grammar. Oracy skills are vital; pupils listen, reflect, share ideas and collaborate. 

Opportunities for writing are vast. We want our children to perceive themselves as writers -children learn to transcribe effectively and for a variety of purposes and audiences. 

We equip children with a strong command of the spoken and written word. We know that great readers become outstanding writers and our teachers plan exciting learning sequences with this in mind.

Key Texts by Year Group 

English Lead: Miss Bates