Cheriton Primary School


Timings of the School Day


Gates open- 8:35am and close at 8:45am

Learning starts and the register is taken at 8:45am



Register taken and learning starts- 1:00pm for YR and KS1, 1.30pm for KS2

Gates open at 3:10pm and close at 3:25pm


Total school hours per week = 32.5 hours


Attendance and Punctuality

It is very important that your child arrives at school on time: the school day starts at 8.45am and children are expected to be in class ready to start their learning by this time. 

Absence from school can only usually be justified when your child is ill. Family holidays, outings and, where possible, medical and dental appointments must be arranged out of school time. In order to maintain safety for all pupils, the gates are locked after 8:45am. Please enter the school through the main office after this time. 

If, for any reason, your child is late or absent, a message or letter must be given to the school office explaining the reason for the absence/lateness. If you know your child will be absent, a telephone call before 9:00am will prevent the automated ‘first day’ call-in system from being activated.  A call must be made for every day of your child’s absence.

On the first day of absence, if we have not heard from a child’s parent/carer, a call home will be made.  If we have not been able to contact the parent/carer by the end of day 2 of absence, a home visit will be made.

Lateness and absence are monitored by the Family Liaison Officer and the Local Authority, in addition to the Headteacher.

Children should be collected at 3:15pm from outside their classroom. If your normal collection arrangements fail, please telephone the school office to let us know before the end of school.


Holidays during term time

Although the law gives parents/carers permission to request 10 days’ leave during term time in any one school year, the Local Authority and the Governors of Cheriton Primary School have agreed a policy whereby any such requests will be turned down.

Children who miss school for unauthorised leave, will be marked with an unauthorised absence.  When a pupil has been absent for 10 or more half day sessions (5 school days) without authorisation during any 100 possible school sessions or period of 50 school days (these absences do not need to be consecutive), a penalty fine notice will be issued. 

Penalty Notices are issued to each parent of each child and the amount of the penalty will be £120 to be paid within 28 days, reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days. Failure to pay the penalty in full at the end of the 28-day period may result in prosecution by the Local Authority.

If you wish to request leave for your child, you must complete a request form, which you can get from the school office.  You must give your reason as to why you are requesting leave for your child.  This request will be assessed by the Headteacher, whose decision is final.  All decisions will be underpinned by the Attendance Policy.

Please remember that, like you, the school wants the very best for your child.  If you have any concerns, however trivial, please come and talk to us as soon as possible. We have translators/interpreters available during the school day.